Jak zainstalować plik APK / APKS / OBB na Androida?
Cześć, Możesz tam pobrać plik APK "Mini figures with bricks" dla blackberry KEYone bezpłatnie, wersja pliku apk to 3.10 aby pobrać do blackberry KEYone po prostu kliknij ten przycisk. To łatwe i gwarancja. Dostarczamy tylko oryginalne pliki APK. Jeśli którykolwiek z materiałów w tej witrynie narusza Twoje prawa, zgłoś nam
Postępuj zgodnie z instrukcjami krok po kroku, aby zbudować minifigurki. Zabawa jest fajna i wniesie wiele do rozwoju umiejętności motorycznych. Ta gra logiczna jest naprawdę dla wszystkich grup wiekowych. Połącz cegły i podążaj za wzorem kolorów. Ponad 40 minifigurek. Mini samochód, mini osoba, mini zwierzę i wiele więcej!
The larger pieces allow children to use the blocks with their own small hands. They will lose their imagination with these kinds of three dimensional designs. Let your creativity go and try alternative colors or add small changes. Let the youngest play and be surprised with the results. Create those elegot figures.
These games are intended to play with colorful interlocking plastic building block toys. The blocks can be assembled and connected in many ways to construct such objects as vehicles, animals, buildings and even working robots. Anything constructed can be taken apart again and the pieces can be used to make other objects.
Help your child as a parent and you will be surprised how fast the children will pick up the game.
Take a picture and post the creation online. Happy faces will follow and your family and friend club will enjoy.
This kid puzzle needs a set of building blocks. Start with a basic set and have fun exploring this game. The step-by-step instructions are intended to let your kids get more out of these beautiful toys. Most blocks come with limited instructions. These instructions will help you to get the most out of the toys. There are also alternative sets available.
If you like to play with building blocks, then this puzzle game is definitely for you! Have fun with these great constructions.
- Easy and clean user interface
- Free puzzles
- Nice graphics
- For all ages
- Share creations on social media